Our Animals
Here at StotesMcGoats we love our furry and feathery friends and try to give them the best life we can with humane treatment/handling and enrichments. When our animals are happy so are we.
All the goats, whether from our herd or Housegoat's herd are vaccinated for CD-T, Pneumonia and CL.
Here at StotesMcGoats we have a small herd of dairy goats that consist of Toggenburg, Alpine, Saanen and Lamancha full breed/ experimental with ADGA and commercial South African Boer Goats. Our focus for our herds is on parasite resistance, mothering skills, meat production, milk production and structural soundness.
We do not show our goats within our herd as we're breeding for animals that can hold up to the demand of farm work and longevity vs. current conformational trends for the show ring, while many of our animals could, it's not something we do.
Herd own by Lillyan Housend who concentrates on quality ADGA Toggenburgs and Saanon Dairy goats. Overall herd focus is to produce goats that not only put milk in the bucket but have body conformation that's going to last and require less input. She strives for big hearty animals that will take anything you throw at them, parasite resistance, mothering ability, milk quality and solid pack wethers.
Housegoats also raises show quality Japanese Harlequin rabbits.
Our back yard chickens are a mixed breed flock consisting of brown, red, blue, and green egg layers. They're housed in a coop with a pretty large outdoor run for predator and bird flu protection.
In warmer months we usually have eggs available for purchase
Every so often we'll do a back yard mix of chicks just for fun.
Most of our female rabbits are Japanese Harlequin from Housegoats, New Zealand or a combination. Generally our rabbits are here as meat producers, a few special ones are pets and our little has a selection she uses for 4H